Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Do you think I'll ever have anything new to write about?

So, nothing really to report. We got moved into the in-laws two weeks ago. It is going well! I am gone a lot for work and I barely see anyone. Sometimes I leave in the morning and get home at night without seeing anyone! Sad days...We are still in the process of looking for a home. Matt is up for a pretty significant promotion at work and if he gets it, it will make house hunting much easier and open up some other things that wouldn't be available otherwise. We are keeping our fingers (and toes and anything else we can cross) crossed, and our prayers strong, in hopes of getting it. It would mean another step up in the company for the boy.

I absolutely loved General Conference and I am so grateful for a living prophet today who leads and guides our church. I loved every single talk. I did something I have never really done before and that is come to conference with specific questions. It was so neat...I felt like every single speaker was speaking directly to me, as if I was right in front of them! I a so grateful for the knowledge peace the Gospel brings!


James and Tricia Thomas said...

I will keep my fingers crossed... and then cross them that you stay in the ward!!

Suzie-Q said...

My fingers are crossed for you! We really enjoyed conference too. This time was differnt for us too because we actually got to watch it this time, not just listen to it. see, we got direct tv and here that is the only way to be ale to see it, unless you have really good internet connection.
Have a great day!

Megan and TJ said...

I wish you the very best. I hope that it is soon that you are able to find your dream house and everything work out with it! You and your husband are both wonderful and deserve only the best!