Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Matthew's 32nd Birthday

Matt sure is getting old! We went to Red Robin for his birthday. We really just had fun family time (that is my excuse that we can't remember exactly what we did!) On Sunday, we had Matt's family over for dinner and cake and icecream. When I asked him what kind of cake he wanted he said he wanted something with filling in the middle, but not frosting. It was n orange flavored cake and was super yummy. It was great just to be with family and celebrate the life of my husband.

Matthew is such a great dad! I am ever so grateful for him and his love for our son. Nothing gives me greater joy than to see the two of them interacting together. Steven loves his dad and Matthew loves him too. I love when they walk hand in hand, or wrestle the way only a dad and his son can. The two of them make my life worth living everyday!
Grandpa with Steven and Emmett

Matthew works very hard for our family. He wants me to be able to stay home and take care of Steven. He wants to be successful and do what he can for our temporal and spiritual needs.

I love the way Matthew smiles like a little guy. I love the way he holds me. I love the way he holds my hand. I am so grateful for such a wonderful man in my life. I love you babe!! Happy Birthday!

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