I am officially married to an old man! Today is Matt's 30th Birthday! I love him oh, so very much! He is my rock and I am ever so grateful to be married to such a strong, faithful man! All of our photos are packed, so I only have what we have uploaded on the computer, which are just the last couple of years (I am kinda behind). I included a few photos of my handsome man from the past.
30 Things I love About Matt:
1: His little boy smile
2: He is a worthy priesthood holder who honors his priesthood
3: He makes me smile
4: I love when he cuddles me at night
5: When I can't sleep, I love the way he rubs his fingers across my face and sings me a lullaby
6: He wants to make me happy, even at his own expense
7: Matt is so faithful
8: I love the way I fit so perfectly in his arms
9: He sticks EVERYTHING on his forehead
10: He is so tall and handsome
11: He is going to be a fantastic father to our children! I know because I see the way he acts with our nieces
12: I love that he tries to fix things. What a man thing to do!
13: He will occassionally get a laughing fit that makes me cry and it just cracks me up to see him laugh so hard!
14: He is so smart, smarter than I could ever hope to be
15: I love him for taking me to the temple to marry me for time and all eternity
16: He always wants to be and tries to be better
17: Matt supports me in anything and everything I do
18: Matt has a HUGE heart and he loves unconditionally. He would give the shirt off of his back for anyone
19: He has an incredible voice!
20: Matt is one of the most sensitive men I know
21: He knows so much about the most random things
22: Matt is incredibly patient. I'm not sure I deserve the patience he gives me
23: He will do silly things to try and make me crack up
24: He is a mountain man and loves and respects nature
25: I love that the wants to provide for our family
26: I love that his feet are ticklish
27: He serves anywhere he is asked. I love when he helps me with my Sunbeams!
28: Our hands fit perfectly together!
29: He has thick hair, and long amazing eyelashes!
30: EVERYTHING! We are a perfect fit for each other and I wouldn't change him for anything! Happy Birthday hunny bear!
Happy Birthday!
Brandy you are so lucky to have such a wonderful husband, I'm so glad that he makes you HAPPY!!!
Hope you are celebrating big time!
Have a great day!!
Happy Birthday Matt!
You are staying in our ward!! I am so happy for you!!
Work from home India
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