Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, May 20, 2011


Ladies and Gentlemen of the blog world,
HELP!!! I cannot figure out how to use all of these new things. That is why I haven't blogged because I can't stand that everything is messed up on my page. My picture is crazy. My tabs on the margins have moved down and I can't make them move back. I am ready to just start fresh. Any advice? Can someone come over and fix it all for me?? :)


Carrie said...

Um this EXACT same thing happened to me a few months ago... I wish I could remember exactly how I fixed it! I did go to Blogger Help and found that other's had the same problem:
Another problem:

Did it happen while you were changing your background? Try and clear the slate (undo the last things you did), like remove the fancy background you have and go to a very simple Blogger Template while you try and fix it (Design Tab, then Template Designer.), you might want to try the different layouts in the Template Designer too with columns and such. I know that's something I tried, but I don't know if that's what fixed it... *SIGH* Don't despair!

Tara said...

If I were closer I would be over to help!

Swinging On Small Hinges said...

You've made some changes to your blog! It looks good!! It's time for an update of that cute baby boy!!!