Monday, November 22, 2010
Juste some fun pics
My little man all dressed up for church. He has actually never worn the tie to church because I think it is too tight around his neck. Poor guy has the same problem as his daddy!
What can I say? He makes the cutest, sweetest faces that you just can't help but smile!

Diaper Hat
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Halloween 2010
For Halloween, we looked everywhere for a Super Steven cape. About an hour and half before the ward Trunk-or-Treat we gave up and I sent Matt to JoAnne fabrics to purchase some material to see what we could put together farily quickly. For those who really know me, know that I can't sew worth a hoot. Luckily, this was a very little sew project. I think it turned out okay. I want to spend some more time while my mom is here in December and make a really nice one. But, here ya go, Super Steven!

For Halloween, we looked everywhere for a Super Steven cape. About an hour and half before the ward Trunk-or-Treat we gave up and I sent Matt to JoAnne fabrics to purchase some material to see what we could put together farily quickly. For those who really know me, know that I can't sew worth a hoot. Luckily, this was a very little sew project. I think it turned out okay. I want to spend some more time while my mom is here in December and make a really nice one. But, here ya go, Super Steven!
Pumpkin Patch 2010
Everything is funner with a little one and going to the pumpkin patch this year was no exception! We drove to Boulder and Steven did so well. He actually fell asleep in the carseat! (He HATES the carseat and tends to scream and cry, which often times makes mommy cry! We picked out pumpkins and found a baby one for our baby. More than anything, we just love spending time together as a family. Enjoy some of the photos from the day.
Matt and Steven in front of a steam locomotive!

Okay, Okay...I know his pants headed up north past his belly button, but look at his super duper cute smile!

Matt and Steven in front of a steam locomotive!
Okay, Okay...I know his pants headed up north past his belly button, but look at his super duper cute smile!
Going Private, Part II
Okay, so here is the story--
I am going to give you the shortened version....
A couple of weeks ago, there was a student in one of my classes who was doing something he knew he shouldn't. I called him out on it (as it is my job) and he got super upset about it. The next day, he brought the same situation up with another classmate and I turned around and said, "Drop the issue. It is over!" He got really mad and upset! On the third day, one of his classmates asked to speak to me in private and she said he had said to a group of his classmates, "I am going to kill her, her baby and her husband." I took action immediately as NO ONE threatens my tiny baby! He was suspended for three days. He later told me that he would never say those things, and he was sorry I was so hurt. None the less, a threat is a threat so I have decided with my new little one, I can never be too safe. I was surprised by the number of comments, emails and facebook messages I got asking to be invited to view my blog. I guess I just didn't think anyone read it, but I am so glad. I need to use it for good. :) Thanks for your support. I appreciate it! Have a wonderful week!
I am going to give you the shortened version....
A couple of weeks ago, there was a student in one of my classes who was doing something he knew he shouldn't. I called him out on it (as it is my job) and he got super upset about it. The next day, he brought the same situation up with another classmate and I turned around and said, "Drop the issue. It is over!" He got really mad and upset! On the third day, one of his classmates asked to speak to me in private and she said he had said to a group of his classmates, "I am going to kill her, her baby and her husband." I took action immediately as NO ONE threatens my tiny baby! He was suspended for three days. He later told me that he would never say those things, and he was sorry I was so hurt. None the less, a threat is a threat so I have decided with my new little one, I can never be too safe. I was surprised by the number of comments, emails and facebook messages I got asking to be invited to view my blog. I guess I just didn't think anyone read it, but I am so glad. I need to use it for good. :) Thanks for your support. I appreciate it! Have a wonderful week!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Going Private
Hello friends!
I know that I am behind the times in posting, but every spare minute I have from work, I want to spend with my sweet baby. I have some cute halloween pics and other fun stuff to share, so hopefully that will all come soon.
The reason for this post is just what the title says. I have recently had some threats put on my life and the safety of my family, so I have decided to go private. I always try to believe there is good in everyone until I have been disproved and well, I have been disproved. I plan on doing this fairly quickly as the threats were pretty violent. I am not even sure how to go private, but I know it needs to happen. I guess you leave your email address in a comment if you want an invite or you can email me (if you have my email). Also, if you know how to put your blog to private or send invitations, please leave that in a comments as well. I am sad it has had to come to this, but I am a Mama Bear now and nothing messes with my tiny baby! I plan on doing this ASAP! Thanks ahead of time for your cooperation!
I know that I am behind the times in posting, but every spare minute I have from work, I want to spend with my sweet baby. I have some cute halloween pics and other fun stuff to share, so hopefully that will all come soon.
The reason for this post is just what the title says. I have recently had some threats put on my life and the safety of my family, so I have decided to go private. I always try to believe there is good in everyone until I have been disproved and well, I have been disproved. I plan on doing this fairly quickly as the threats were pretty violent. I am not even sure how to go private, but I know it needs to happen. I guess you leave your email address in a comment if you want an invite or you can email me (if you have my email). Also, if you know how to put your blog to private or send invitations, please leave that in a comments as well. I am sad it has had to come to this, but I am a Mama Bear now and nothing messes with my tiny baby! I plan on doing this ASAP! Thanks ahead of time for your cooperation!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
A few thoughts....
Every morning, I am up somewhere between the hours of 2am and 3am, not because my sweet baby is awake, but because I pump milk with my breast pump. He has been sleeping through the night since 8 weeks (which to this day still scares me but everyone, including our pediatrician says I should be grateful and enjoy a good nights sleep) so I take the opportunity to try to build up my freezer supply as I am working. When my alarm goes off, it takes me awhile to get up. I have even resorted to putting my phone (alarm clock) across the room so I have to get out of bed to get it. Otherwise, my head flops right back down on the pillow. But after I am awake, I have a very hard time getting back to sleep. I am usually up for a couple of hours reading blogs or searching for car seats or something. A couple of months ago, not long after Steven was born, I found this blog by a family from Idaho. They lost their tiny baby girl after a tragic accident. She was 18 months old. I cried and cried as I read everyday while the life of their little one hung in the balance.
It has made me realize how extremely precious life is. After reading and praying along with them, it has really made me appreciate life and what it is, a little bit more. I have since tried to make every second with my little one count because you never know when it will all be taken away.
I have been doing a lot of thinking and praying lately about a few issues. It was not so long ago I was writing and struggling, wishing for a child. It is no secret that we waited and prayed for five years for out little one. We endured two miscarriages and so many heartaches, month after month of nothing. And now, I have this beautiful little spirit in my arms. What did I do right to deserve him? What good did I do to deserve such an incredible blessing? An attitude of gratitude is something we have been counseled to have and I am trying more to do that. I am so eternally grateful for the sweet spirited little guy who sleeps so soundly in the next room over. I am so grateful I have the opportunity to be his mother. I didn't know it was possible to love so much, so deeply. Words on a page cannot describe the fullness in my heart, the feeling I get in my throat as I try to hold back tears when I hold him and kiss him. I cannot take a single second of his precious life for granted. I relish everything I can from him. He teaches me everyday and everyday, I can be a bit better...
Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to the angels!
-- David O. McKay
I only hope that I can live worthily of such a blessing in my life. I only hope that I can fulfill the measure of this most high, holy calling. I try not to take any moment for granted...

It has made me realize how extremely precious life is. After reading and praying along with them, it has really made me appreciate life and what it is, a little bit more. I have since tried to make every second with my little one count because you never know when it will all be taken away.
I have been doing a lot of thinking and praying lately about a few issues. It was not so long ago I was writing and struggling, wishing for a child. It is no secret that we waited and prayed for five years for out little one. We endured two miscarriages and so many heartaches, month after month of nothing. And now, I have this beautiful little spirit in my arms. What did I do right to deserve him? What good did I do to deserve such an incredible blessing? An attitude of gratitude is something we have been counseled to have and I am trying more to do that. I am so eternally grateful for the sweet spirited little guy who sleeps so soundly in the next room over. I am so grateful I have the opportunity to be his mother. I didn't know it was possible to love so much, so deeply. Words on a page cannot describe the fullness in my heart, the feeling I get in my throat as I try to hold back tears when I hold him and kiss him. I cannot take a single second of his precious life for granted. I relish everything I can from him. He teaches me everyday and everyday, I can be a bit better...
Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to the angels!
-- David O. McKay
I only hope that I can live worthily of such a blessing in my life. I only hope that I can fulfill the measure of this most high, holy calling. I try not to take any moment for granted...
Friday, September 24, 2010
6 years!
Happy Anniversary Baby!
6 Years ago I married my best friend for time and all eternity in the Bountiful Temple. I am so glad he chose me from all of the other girls pursuing him. I love him to bits and pieces! I thought I would mention 6 things I absolutely love about my man!
1-I love to watch him with out little boy. He can get Steven to laugh when no one else can. Steven loves his daddy so much and I am so grateful to have such a loving father for my little guy!
2-I love the way he holds me. I fit so perfectly into his arms. I have never had that with anyone before. To take that a step further, he holds my hand every chance he gets and I absolutely love that!
3-I love his spirit. I think this is one of the first things that I noticed about him. He is so close to our Father in Heaven and has such a sweetness about him.
4-I love the way he laughs at his brothers or something funny until he almost can't breathe or has to sit down. His entire face scrunches up and it makes everyone else around him laugh too!
5-I love that he loves me for me. He always compliments me, even when I look quite horrible! What a gentle, sweet, genuine guy!
6-I love him for the man he wants to become. He wants to take care of Steven and I. he wants me to be able to stay home and be a mommy to our little guy. He wants to succeed so we both can succeed!
For our first anniversary we went to a bed and breakfast up in the mountains. It was so romantic! This is a picture of us cutting the top tier of our wedding cake. It was actually very yummy and very well preserved!

For our third anniversary we went to New York City! Matt had never been and we had a blast just hanging out together!
For our fourth anniversary Matt took me to Red Lobster. We are really good at taking self portraits!
Right before we had been married 4 years, we took a cruise to Alaska with my family. I am not sure that one could be topped!
Anniversary #5 we signed on our first home. I can't seem to find the pictures from our house signing. I must have stuck them in a folder that I needed to sort through.
So, how are we going to spend Anniversary #6? Well, we are getting carpet put in our family room. (It is build on a concrete slab with just a small layer of linoleum. We can't put the baby on the floor because of the lack of padding, so we really needed to get this done!) We also are enjoying our little guy and everything about him! Being parents is defiantly the pinnacle of our lives!
Happy Anniversary Babe! I love you!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Blessing Day
Steven was blessed on September 5, 2010 by his father. The day was incredible! Nana and Nannie Great came to dress him in his special outfit. Nannie Great found it in Utah and I absolutely loved it. It was a little knit outfit with little leather shoes. It barely fit him, but I guess he only needed it one day. His little blanket was made by Nana when Steven's father served his mission in Brazil.
We all arrived at the church and took our seats. Well, that is we were all there except Grandpa and the kids. Grandpa got lost, really lost and ended up being really late. Mommy got very nervous, but they just put off the blessing until everyone got there.
He was given a special name of Steven Robert Esperido Anderson. Steven is the name of his father as well as his Grandfather. Robert was my Grandpa Jensen's first name and we have felt a special spirit in him helping to get our little guy here. Esperido is Portuguese for "long awaited one." We know it is a big, long name, but we feel it so fitting for the man he will become.
His daddy gave him a beautiful blessing! I was in tears the entire time, but luckily Nana wrote down some things for me.
He was blessed that he will be a large man both in stature and in spirit. Also, that he will serve those that are weak and needy.
He was told to always give service to his Father in heaven. "You will be a leader to those around you. Stay close to your Father in Heaven and be attentive to His teaching and close to His answers."
He was told again that he would be a leader to shoe around him and to his future siblings. They will see his example and follow him.
The last thing he was told was to choose to serve a mission honorably.
We had some special people come for his blessing:
Nannie-Great and Grandpa Great came from Saratoga Springs, Utah. Steven is their 26th Great-Grand Child. I was given a blessing a few years ago from Grandpa promising me that I would be a mother in Zion, but it would be in Heavenly Father's time, not mine. How grateful I am for the sweet spirit in my life now!
Uncle David, Aunt Amber and Cousin Henry came in from Lawrence, Kansas for the special day.
And of course, Nana and Grandpa from Parker with Molly, Rebecca and Travis. Uncle Jesse and Aunt Carolyn were there too, but we didn't end up with any pictures of them.
The Three Stevens
Grandpa Steven, Daddy Steven (he goes by his middle name, Matt) and now our Steven
Aunt Amber is a photographer and took a lot more pictures, so we will have to wait until she gets those posted. I was mostly relishing in the day, so I didn't have an opportunity for many photos. How grateful I was to have her there for all of those sweet, precious moments. So, another blessing posting to come when those pictures come in.
Just some pics
Everyday I am with my little man is such a joy. I didn't know it was possible to feel so much love. Since I didn't get to add a lot of pictures last time, and believe me, I am hearing about it, just wanted to add a couple of pics of the boy!
He loves to lay in his changing table after a diaper change or a bath. He absolutely hams it up. We have been better at catching a couple of smiles, but he is fast and tricky!

I know every parent thinks their kid is the cutest, but I really think mine is. :)

We blessed Steven over Labor Day weekend and his cousin Henry absolutely loved on him. They are 363 days apart! At one point, without even being promted, Henry leaned over and gave Steven a big kiss on the head. The picture is a recreation of the moment.

Henry tried to bust Steven out of his carseat, like any good older cousin would do! It was hilarious! Henry just kept pushing the carseat button and pulling on anything he could to get the baby out.

He loves to lay in his changing table after a diaper change or a bath. He absolutely hams it up. We have been better at catching a couple of smiles, but he is fast and tricky!
I know every parent thinks their kid is the cutest, but I really think mine is. :)
We blessed Steven over Labor Day weekend and his cousin Henry absolutely loved on him. They are 363 days apart! At one point, without even being promted, Henry leaned over and gave Steven a big kiss on the head. The picture is a recreation of the moment.
Monday, September 13, 2010
2 months!
We have had a blessed 2 months! I know I say it every single posting, but I absolutely love my little guy, and I love being a mommy. Here are some fun things about this past month:
My little guy is SO strong. He is getting so much better at holding his own head up. Also, he will plant his feet on my belly and push himself up on his feet to stand. We feel so strongly that he is going be our gentle giant as he gets older.
He has started smiling so much more. However, every time we get the camera out, he stops. It makes us laugh. We have talked about buying disposable cameras so we can have one in every room. It is so fun! He has these little "smile lines" under his nose that we so lovingly call his whiskers.
He grips onto toys like his rattle and the little rings. It makes me smile so much to see this!
He is in 6 month clothes!! He is so tall but not at all chunky. He has a little chunk on his legs, but other than that, he is tall and lean. :)
We blessed him last weekend; an entire posting with pictures soon to come on that.

I have tried to add more pictures but blogger seems to be having issues and won't load anymore tonight. I will do a picture posting soon as well as his stats from his 2 month appointment, which is tomorrow. Stay tuned...
My little guy is SO strong. He is getting so much better at holding his own head up. Also, he will plant his feet on my belly and push himself up on his feet to stand. We feel so strongly that he is going be our gentle giant as he gets older.
He has started smiling so much more. However, every time we get the camera out, he stops. It makes us laugh. We have talked about buying disposable cameras so we can have one in every room. It is so fun! He has these little "smile lines" under his nose that we so lovingly call his whiskers.
He grips onto toys like his rattle and the little rings. It makes me smile so much to see this!
He is in 6 month clothes!! He is so tall but not at all chunky. He has a little chunk on his legs, but other than that, he is tall and lean. :)
We blessed him last weekend; an entire posting with pictures soon to come on that.
I have tried to add more pictures but blogger seems to be having issues and won't load anymore tonight. I will do a picture posting soon as well as his stats from his 2 month appointment, which is tomorrow. Stay tuned...
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
It has been absolutely blissful being a mommy! I have learned to appreciate every poopy diaper, every crying fit....every coo, every hug, everything! I wouldn't take any of my waiting back for anything because I have truly learned so much from my journey. So, enough of me...I know the grandparents just want pictures and Steven Updates!
Steven and I go to a breastfeeding clinic every week. They weigh him, I feed him and then they weigh him again to see how much he is getting. Despite his heroic weight gains, I still worry that he isn't getting enough. Last week at the clinic, he would have been six weeks and one day old, he weighed 12 pounds 11 ounces. It was a gain of 13 ounces in one week!! Seriously dude...I am wondering if he sneaks cookies at night while we are all sleeping. :)
He is starting to smile more and more. However, every time we get out the camera, he becomes camera shy and won't re-create it. We have even kept the camera right in his room so it is readily available and still, we haven't been too successful. We were at Nana's house and he was giving some pretty good smiles to Nana and Grandpa.

He is growing like a weed! I had to get out his 6 MONTH JAMMIES because he is so long. He isn't a chunky baby in the least, but he is SOOOO long! We don't have any jammies after six months, so when we go to purchase the next stage I think we will buy them without feet.

I love my little boy to bits and pieces! I can't imagine going back to work! We are trying to find a way for me to stay at home, but it looks like I will have to go back for at least one semester. We will see what happens. In the mean time, here are some more cute pictures of the boy!

Steven and I go to a breastfeeding clinic every week. They weigh him, I feed him and then they weigh him again to see how much he is getting. Despite his heroic weight gains, I still worry that he isn't getting enough. Last week at the clinic, he would have been six weeks and one day old, he weighed 12 pounds 11 ounces. It was a gain of 13 ounces in one week!! Seriously dude...I am wondering if he sneaks cookies at night while we are all sleeping. :)
He is starting to smile more and more. However, every time we get out the camera, he becomes camera shy and won't re-create it. We have even kept the camera right in his room so it is readily available and still, we haven't been too successful. We were at Nana's house and he was giving some pretty good smiles to Nana and Grandpa.
He is growing like a weed! I had to get out his 6 MONTH JAMMIES because he is so long. He isn't a chunky baby in the least, but he is SOOOO long! We don't have any jammies after six months, so when we go to purchase the next stage I think we will buy them without feet.
I love my little boy to bits and pieces! I can't imagine going back to work! We are trying to find a way for me to stay at home, but it looks like I will have to go back for at least one semester. We will see what happens. In the mean time, here are some more cute pictures of the boy!
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