Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 29, 2012

We Love the Outside

June 2012
It has been an amazingly HOT summer, so we typically go outside very early in the morning and then don't go back out until around 6:30 or 7:00pm. We enjoy the tractor park the most! It has really been a blast watching Steven grow from the last year. There is a tube you have to crawl through to get down the bumpy slide. He pretty much had that figured out last year, but this year he taught his cousin, Emmett, how to go down. He has also gotten much braver this summer. He crawls up to the top of almost any set of stairs to go down almost any slide. I have been very impressed to see my shy, very reserved and a bit scared little guy yell from the top of a slide, "Mama! Watch!" And then see him going down. He still will NOT go down any covered slide, but that is understandable....I won't either!

What a differance a year makes!

Steven also LOVES to swing! Last year, he would swing for about.8 seconds and then scream to be let out. Now, he ASKS to swing. When we go to the park, he will spend forever in there if we let him. At our home, we have a small swingset and he climbs in and buckles himself and asks to swing. He is so sweett!

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